Our compassionate team cares that you get the treatment you need in a comfortable, enjoyable office. When your smile has experienced damage or decay, it is important that you get treatment quickly to prevent the growth and continuation of these issues. Dr. Gordon Lewis can restore your smile’s minor damage with dental fillings. Our dentist and team will always tend to your smile’s needs with the utmost care, giving you a highly-comfortable experience. We can restore your smile with dental fillings in Eureka, California, at our office. Schedule an appointment at 707-445-1104.
Dental fillings are typically recommended to repair minor to moderate tooth damage. Our dentist may recommend a filling if you have developed cavity, for example, or if a tooth has sustained fracturing or chipping. Fillings literally “fill in” the damaged tooth structure, restoring its shape and appearance and returning your smile to good health. While there are several types of fillings available, our dentist uses only composite, or tooth-colored dental fillings, as they provide a longer-lasting and more natural-looking result.
Fillings can be placed in a single appointment. First, our dentist will remove decayed and damaged tooth structure, thoroughly cleaning the tooth to remove all traces of decay. The filling material is then placed and shaped to match your tooth’s shape and hardened for a lasting restoration. The tooth is then polished to complete your treatment.
For more information about the benefits of dental fillings and to schedule an appointment with our dentist and team, please contact our office today.